G6PD gene mutation

G6PD belongs to the Pentose Phosphate Pathway (PPP). This pathway controls the production of NADPH.
What happens when the PPP is not working like it should because of G6PD deficiency?

  • Your red blood cells explode
  • Your reduced glutathione has oxidative damage
  • CFS/ME due to mitochondrial dysfunction
  • Your ferritin increases
  • Cannot make PAPs
  • Cannot make ATP
  • Shut off the citric acid cycle
  • The shutdown of Phase I liver detox where CYP450’s reside
  • Circadian rhythm is compromised
  • EMF sensitivity sets in
  • Higher risk for hemolytic anemia
  • Higher risk for POTS (10% of people with POTS are G6PDD)
  • Redox signaling becomes impaired
  • Higher risk for lupus
  • Higher risk of being injured by a fluoroquinolone

If you have mutations in G6PD you can get tested click here to find out more.