CACNA1C gene mutation

When you see a gene mutation in CACNA1C, think of the “intercellular calcium problem”. In other words how you get your calcium into your cells.
Why is that important?
Calcium promotes a healthy heart, clots blood, promotes healthy nerves, contracts muscles, improves skin, bone, and teeth health, relieves aching muscles and bones, maintains the acid-alkaline balance, and reduces menstrual cramps and tremors.
Deficiency signs Muscle cramps or tremors, insomnia or nervousness, joint pain or arthritis, tooth decay, and high blood pressure.
And there is also a knock-on effect from this gene mutation and that is calcium works with magnesium.
Why is that important?
Magnesium is an essential element and is of importance in cellular metabolism. Magnesium is a natural sedative. Major bodily functions of magnesium include energy production and nerve conduction.
Deficiency signs Muscle tremors or spasms, muscle weakness, insomnia or nervousness, high blood pressure, irregular heartbeat, constipation, fits or convulsions, hyperactivity, depression, confusion, lack of appetite, calcium deposits in soft tissue e.g. kidney stones. Low levels of magnesium are also associated with increased rates of heart attack, anxiety, and nervousness.
Try getting a good night’s sleep with that problem robbing you of the major minerals that work as a team to make you sleep well among so many other things.
So, calcium and magnesium work together and they cant do that when there is a problem with CACNA1C.