MTHFR & weight gain

MTHFR and weight gain

Does MTHFR gene mutation cause weight gain?

Many people now being diagnosed with MTHFR gene mutations are finding out that in addition to having the gene mutations. They are also finding out that this problem has been a big contributing factor to their weight gain for years.  Once you’ve tested for the MTHFR gene mutations and get an understanding of how the gene mutation works. It becomes clear how easy it can be to put on weight and how much harder. While it is for people with the gene problem to lose excess weight.

MTHFR and weight gain

Millions of people worldwide have weight issues. However, for the most part, eating less than you need, eating a healthy diet along with moderate amounts of exercise. Even more, than enough to ensure you maintain a good or ideal weight.  There is however a very large percentage of society that finds it very difficult to lose weight. Even when they do all the diets, exercise, and many weight loss programs. These people need to seriously consider genetics and one of those genes that can make you put on weight. No matter what you do is the MTHFR gene, so let’s take a closer look at MTHFR.  Weight gain and how it might be affecting you.

MTHFR and fat storage

MTHFR has a role in fat storage, this is based on a number of factors. That the gene plays important role in that leads to fat storage.  When you have MTHFR gene mutations one of the first problems you have that causes weight gain is methylation imbalances. Which causes metabolism problems, once you develop metabolism problems, no matter what you put in your mouth. Fat or otherwise on many levels has to be stored as fat until such time, as a sequence of events occurs. Such as chemical reactions in the body that force fats to get used.

The problem here is that those people with MTHFR gene mutations have significantly fewer of these important chemical reactions. Which makes fat accumulate in body tissues instead of being transported around the body, used up, or burned.

Here’s the math…..

A person who has the MTHFR gene C677T, for example, has a 30-60% reduction in the enzyme responsible. For processing the pathways or chemical reactions in the body that cause methylation or metabolism. That means it is at least 30% – 60% harder for you to burn fat or lose weight. This also means that your chances of gaining weight go up by the same percentages…

This makes it really hard to understand why you gain weight and can’t lose weight at the same time. No matter what you do, unless you know you have the gene mutation. Yet you know what to do to make it work for you to lose weight.


Weight loss genes - the genetic advantage

Homocysteine & MTHFR weight problems

Homocysteine is the chemical that is released into the body as a result of a process called methylation. It’s a normal process as long as the homocysteine your body produces. Hence they broke down into other used health-giving chemicals.  Those with MTHFR gene problems often have homocysteine imbalances either high or low.  Higher homocysteine levels such as those above 8 µmol/L cause fat accumulation in your body’s tissues. Fats accumulate in all areas of your body including organs. So in this case, the liver become fatty which affects many people who have MTHFR gene problems.

When fat accumulates as a result of higher homocysteine. This increases the risk of cardiovascular disease, fat deposits find their way into the arteries. Where they get stuck and form clots that lead to heart disease, high blood pressure, heart attack, stroke etc.  So people with higher homocysteine have a higher risk of cardiovascular disease.  In the case of MTHFR gene mutations, homocysteine becomes high because methylation is poor. This leads to fat accumulation & which causes an indirect effect on insulin resistance and when insulin resistance becomes involved. There is a further impaired inability to use fats and energy which results in further weight gain.

Signs of MTHFR and weight gain

If you haven’t been tested for mthfr gene mutations yet. You may be wondering if you can tell if you have a gene problem based on your weight problem. The most common signs include:

  • Accumulation of fat around the abdominal area first
  • You will more likely have a larger BMI (body mass index) and a larger hip-to-waist ratio which means that more fat and weight is being collected around the waistline
  • You have fatty liver
  • Signs of cardiovascular disease (high blood pressure)
  • Poor results from dieting & exercise
  • Unable to lose weight
  • The family history of weight problems
  • Obesity
  • Slow metabolism
  • Any of the symptoms of MTHFR gene mutations

MTHFR & fatty liver

Many people have the condition known as fatty liver or fatty liver disease. Often those who drink alcohol are said to be more susceptible to getting a fatty liver. However many people who test positive for MTHFR gene mutations get or have a fatty liver that leads to weight gain.  When you consume and digest foods the fats and cholesterol are transported to the liver. They are then packaged into these very low-density proteins for transport through the blood. To all the tissues that require fats for good health.  When you have MTHFR gene problems these fats get stuck in the liver and build up to cause fatty liver. The problem is that the reduction in the MTHFR enzyme can’t keep up with the processing of the fats. So they are stored for later.

Often fatty liver can be reversed once the MTHFR path is supported with the right treatments for those with the gene mutation. This can also result in those fats being properly used by the body. So increasing repairs and resolving many of the symptoms of MTHFR gene defects. Which are related to the inability of the body to properly use fats?

Weight gain/loss and methyl folate

L-Methyfolate or 5-MTHF supplements are sometimes used to bypass the MTHFR gene and increase the amount of “active” folate in circulation, how does this affect weight gain or weight loss?

Can l-methylfolate cause weight loss – The answer is yes and no while having increased folate can improve metabolism and can also cause weight gain by increasing stress that leads to weight gain.

Does l-methylfolate cause weight gain –  As per the above answer, methylfolate can interact with hundreds of biochemical pathways, which means that other biochemical processes may become overwhelmed which can cause weight gain.

Positive l-methylfolate weight loss is more likely to occur when multiple factors are lined up properly to work with l-methylfolate, ensuring that the l-methylfolate is supported in other biochemical processes.  Positive methylfolate weight loss means when folate is equal to and effective with other nutritional pathways.

That being said methylfolate weight loss is not really possible in and of itself and should not be relied upon to control a weight problem as there are many other things to factor in.

Losing weight with MTHFR

People who have for years had trouble losing weight despite many efforts have found their genes in terms of genetics. They have played a major role in the reasons behind their weight gain.  Finding out if you have MTHFR gene mutations is easy and if you find out that you have the gene problem. Losing weight becomes a lot easier, this is because each person’s symptoms can be identified with their particular gene mutation. The right treatment can help to speed up methylation. This means increasing metabolism, which means using your fats instead of storing them.

Did you have any questions about MTHFR and weight gain?  Contact us here.