MTHFR cancer risks treatment

MTHFR, cancer risk, cancer treatments and genetic cancer prevention

For many people, these days having or getting cancer is a real-life threat. Cancer numbers continuing to go up and many people finding that they have certain risk factors. That could potentially cause them to get cancer.  While we know that the causes of cancer are many and varied some genetic mutations such as MTHFR gene mutations. Do put you at higher risk of developing cancer from a nutritional perspective. But there is a lot more to this fact.

Cancer, of course, is no joke, that’s why it is important. Consider all of your options when it comes to cancer treatments and or prevention.  Combining genetics as well as overall well being is really important. Because at the end of the day it’s really all about having a percentage advantage. When it comes to your health and your natural defenses against developing cancer.

Your body is designed to kill cancer and this is done through your natural biochemistry. When a person develops cancer there are usually only a number of factors. That has somehow put that person into a state of “percentage disadvantage”. When one or more of those factors are resolved. The percentage of cancer risk goes down. The percentage advantage of your body’s ability to defend itself as it should against cancer goes up.

Let’s take a closer look at some of the factors that reduce your “percentage advantage”. when it comes to developing cancer and why:

Genetics & Cancer

MTHFR gene mutations – When you have an active MTHFR gene mutation your risk for cancer does go up. This is mostly because your body won’t be able to support itself nutritionally. for example, If you have a heterozygous MTHFR mutation in C677T. You can lose 30-40% of your ability to produce activated folate. This means you make less, the problem is that most of all of your other nutritional factors rely on folate. To do their job as well, many of which have a major role in cancer defenses. So over time, you become nutritionally imbalanced. Then toxic, then DNA damage sets in which leads to cancer.

VDR Gene Mutations

VDR gene mutations – If you have active VDR gene mutations you can have impaired vitamin D hormone. It is needed to make a cancer-killing substance known as GcMAF. If you don’t make enough GcMAF you have a percentage disadvantage against certain types of cancer development.

COMT Gene Mutations

COMT gene mutations. Certain COMT gene mutations can push a person into a  much higher risk of developing estrogen dominance type cancers. Most of which belong to the group of cancers involved in breast cancers.

Liver genes – There are many different genes in your liver. When you have active gene mutations in your liver. This can prevent the proper detoxification of known cancer-causing carcinogenic.  Once your liver becomes impaired it can’t detoxify properly which leads to an overwhelmed organ. Then toxins are allowed to build up forming a trigger. For many types of cancer in any location in your body.  Some of these genes mutations include CYP, NAT, UGT, MTHFR, and SULT.

Antioxidant genes – There are a number of very powerful genes that are responsible for controlling your body’s ability to produce highly defensive antioxidants that are capable of “disarming” certain oxidants that cause damage to DNA leading to cancer.  Some of these gene mutations include GGT, GSTM, GSTP, GPX, NOS, SOD.

Immune gene mutations – There are many genes involved in the immune system, many of which have the job of identifying foreign objects such as cancer and attacking cancer to remove it from the body.  Genes mutations in the complex immune system play an important role in maintaining a percentage advantage when it comes to beating cancer.

Other Cancer Causes

It’s very important whether it be treating cancer and or preventing cancer to factor in other obvious causes to gain the best percentage advantage, remember the more you line up the ducts the better the odds (so to speak).  Obviously cancer can be a complex problem but at the end of the day cancer needs a certain set of rules and conditions to be met before it can succeed and likewise the more geared you are toward having the best percentage advantage against the rules and conditions that cancer needs to thrive the least likely cancer has to survive or even develop, to begin with.  Let’s look at other factors that help cancer meet its ideal conditions:


  • Poor underlying health (several other health problems making your body overall weak in its ability to fight)
  • Poor nutritional status (impaired functional working nutrition, the stuff you can’t always see in blood work)
  • Too many oxidants and not enough antioxidants being made in the right places in your body
  • Specific Parasites
  • Solvents
  • Molds
  • Poor environment
  • Toxic chemicals
  • Poor food supply
  • Poor water supply
  • Electromagnetic radiation
  • Unresolved health problems (bacterial, viruses, autoimmune disease etc)
  • Heavy metal toxicity

Now take a good look at everything you have read so far and ask yourself if I have a little bit of this and a little bit of that does that increase or decrease my risk of getting cancer or reduce my ability to remove cancer?  Can you see how things can easily get complex and add up to making your percentage advantage lower?  It really doesn’t matter what you think you know, no matter it is your risk for cancer, how to treat your cancer or how to prevent your cancer, the only thing that matters is making sure you have the best possible percentage advantage in order for you to win the battle against cancer.

Is it time you invested in your best advantage to beat cancer?  We can help, ask our professional team who understand cancer and can guide you toward getting your bet percentage advantage, contact us here.

Problems with “natural cures” and cancer

There is a lot of controversy in the world today when it comes to finding “natural cures” for cancer, there are many diets, pills, drugs, medicines, you name it and you’ll find it.  The biggest problem with any given one of these ideas isn’t that they exist, it is however that none of them take into consideration you as an individual, your genetic makeup, your advantages, your disadvantages and help you to find your best possible advantage.

I once had a patient who asked me, “why is it that I eat the best possible diet for cancer, I take all the best supplements for cancer and still keep getting cancer?”  My short answer is “because about half those healthy foods and anti-cancer supplements that you eat/take actually put you at a percentage disadvantage because of some of your genetic mutations”.

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