One of the major side effects of having an MTHFR gene mutation is the higher risk of having a stroke. While it is a scary thought, it’s also better to know how MTHFR and other genetic risk factors can cause a stroke. But what you can do to prevent a stroke or even help yourself to repair your health. After experiencing a stroke caused by mthfr gene mutations.
Introduction to MTHFR
The methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) gene plays a crucial role in the metabolism of homocysteine, an amino acid linked to an increased risk of cardiovascular disease and stroke. This gene is responsible for converting 5,10-methylenetetrahydrofolate to 5-methyltetrahydrofolate, a vital process for transforming homocysteine into methionine. When mutations occur in the MTHFR gene, they can lead to elevated homocysteine levels, which in turn heighten the risk of cardiovascular diseases, including ischemic stroke. Understanding the function of the MTHFR gene and its impact on homocysteine levels is essential for recognizing the potential health risks associated with these mutations.
Understanding MTHFR Gene Mutations
MTHFR gene mutations are quite common, with about 85% of the general population carrying at least one variant. The two most prevalent variants, 677C>T and 1298 A>C, result in reduced enzyme activity, which can increase the risk for hyperhomocysteinemia, cardiovascular diseases, and even cancer. The compound heterozygous genotype, where an individual carries both variants, is found in 14% to 23% of people across various ethnic groups. This reduced enzyme activity can often be mitigated by increasing folate intake, making it crucial for those with MTHFR gene mutations to follow a diet rich in folate and other essential nutrients. By doing so, they can help manage their homocysteine levels and reduce their risk of cardiovascular diseases.
What exactly is a stroke?
Most people have heard of the term stroke & or heart attack. But generally, people understand that it is a life threatening disease. But many people are not aware that these prominent afflictions are both caused by blockages or breakages in their arteries or veins. This causes the part of the body that has the problem to die from a clot or hemorrhage due to a lack of oxygen and nutrient supply.
50% of the population have a high chance of developing this disease and the risk percentage goes up even higher for those with mthfr gene mutations. However its more likely that many of the 50% represent people who have mthfr gene problems. Yet they are left undiagnosed and therefore could have been prevented from having a stroke and or heart attack.
MTHFR & Stroke
MTHFR or methylene tetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) is a regulatory enzyme involved in the metabolism of folate and influenced by genetic factors. When this enzyme becomes reduced as a result of a mthfr gene mutation, the metabolism of folate is disrupted, which leads to one of the main causes of stroke called a homocysteine imbalance.
Elevated homocysteine levels, a condition known as hyperhomocysteinemia, are a significant concern as they are an independent risk factor for stroke.
The gene mutation known as C677T is also a common polymorphism in the MTHFR gene, which is associated with decreased activity in the mthfr enzyme. This can also lead to stroke. For example, depending on how much you are affected based on your gene mutation, it could indicate your risk toward having a stroke or heart attack:
MTHFR C677T heterozygous = 30-40% loss of function
MTHFR C677T homozygous = 60-70% loss of function
An additional mthfr gene mutation known as A1298C is another common polymorphism in the MTHFR gene, which is associated with decreased activity in the mthfr enzyme that can lead to thromboembolism and stroke. The A1298C is more likely to lead to a stroke in combination with having the C677T.
MTHFR A1298C heterozygous = some % loss of function – (limited research)
MTHFR A1298C homozygous = 40% loss of function
As you can see above, if you have a mthfr mutation, you also have a significantly higher percentage in reduced ability to produce a complex enzyme that metabolizes folate, which is needed to control methylation, a vital process that keeps you healthy and alive. And it doesn’t stop there; reduced ability to utilize folate means that other essential vitamins and minerals needed to keep your cardiovascular system healthy cannot work properly simply because they all rely on folate metabolism to work properly.
Causes of ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke
The are many different ways that a stroke can be caused, these include:
Having one or more MTHFR gene mutations
Family history of heart disease and stroke
Nutritional deficiencies
Poor diet
High bad cholesterol/low good cholesterol
Blood thickening
Artery hardening
Spasm in the brain blood vessels
Essential fatty acids imbalances
Coronary artery disease
Genetic risk factors
Vascular disease
Symptoms of stroke
A stroke happens when the supply of blood to the brain is suddenly interrupted and starved of oxygen which also causes cell death. But some strokes are fatal while others cause permanent or temporary disability.
Facial weakness
Weakness of the arms
Difficulty with speech
Weakness or numbness or paralysis of the face, arm or leg on either or both sides of the body
Difficulty speaking or understanding
Dizziness, loss of balance or an unexplained fall
Loss of vision, sudden blurring or decreased vision in one or both eyes
Headache, usually severe and abrupt onset or unexplained change in the pattern of headaches
Difficulty swallowing
Preventing increased risk of stroke with MTHFR
Preventing a stroke is far better than a cure as the saying goes and it’s important when you have genetic risks for a stroke to do everything you can to prevent a stroke. Monitoring systolic blood pressure is crucial, as high levels can significantly increase stroke risk. Here are just some of the things that you can do to improve your stroke risk with MTHFR.
Know if you have mthfr gene mutations (get tested for mthfr gene mutations)
Test your homocysteine, it should be between 7 and 7.5 when you have mthfr
Test your methylation with a methylation cycle test.
Seek a mthfr practitoner that can help support your nutritional status
Supplements for stroke prevention
Some nutritional supplements are helpful for stroke prevention, but each individual should seek professional advice before using these, this is because people with mthfr respond differently to supplements because of their mutations.
Vitamin C
Vitamin E
B complex vitamins
Folate (avoid folic acid)
Omega 3,6,9 essential oils
MTHFR gene mutations and genetic risk factors for stroke
Nobody wants to consider the idea of having a stroke, but it’s important to understand that there are lots of things that can be done to prevent a stroke, especially when you know if you are genetically at a higher risk for having a stroke, such as those with methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase gene polymorphisms. A MTHFR practitioner can help you to identify which genes you may have that could cause you to have a stroke and help support these genetic weaknesses to significantly reduce your chances of having a stroke or heart attack.
Specific MTHFR polymorphisms, such as C677T and A1298C, are associated with an increased risk of ischemic stroke.
If you have a family history of stroke or heart attack, it is vital that you test yourself for MTHFR gene mutations and specific MTHFR polymorphisms, or if you identify with any of the symptoms of MTHFR or other MTHFR conditions, this will give you a great advantage if you test positive. Treatments can work to prevent the risk of having a stroke and even help support those that may have already had a stroke to recover.
Did you have any questions about the MTHFR & stroke? Contact us here.
In conclusion, the MTHFR gene plays a critical role in the metabolism of homocysteine, and its polymorphisms can significantly impact cardiovascular disease risk, including ischemic stroke. Understanding MTHFR gene mutations and their effects on homocysteine levels is essential for developing effective prevention and treatment strategies. By recognizing the importance of folate intake and other essential nutrients, individuals with MTHFR gene mutations can take proactive steps to reduce their risk of cardiovascular disease and stroke. Taking these measures can lead to better health outcomes and a lower likelihood of experiencing serious cardiovascular events.