MTHFR symptoms in Adults

Common MTHFR Symptoms in Adults

While MTHFR symptoms in adults can be any of the MTHFR symptoms on the first MTHFR symptoms tab, it’s important to understand that there are a number of symptoms experienced by adults.

As an adult MTHFR deficiency has in many cases had the time to produce disease states that are common in society however MTHFR is most often undiagnosed as the underlying cause.

As an adult with active MTHFR gene mutations means a certain % loss of function in methylation, this condition over time means less production of hundreds of complex biochemical processes that your body need to maintain good health as an adult.

To learn more about methylation imbalances in adults click here.

Nutrient deficiency in Adults with MTHFR gene mutations (Non responsive to supplements)

The following nutrients and their symptoms of deficiency are common in adults and usually don’t respond well to supplements due to a lack of MTHFR activity:

Folic acid (folate) B9

Folic acid is critical during pregnancy for development of the brain and nerves.  Always essential for brain and nerve function.  Needed for utilising protein and red blood cell formation.

Deficiency signs Anaemia, eczema, cracked lips, prematurely greying hair, anxiety or tension, poor memory, lack of energy, poor appetite, stomach pains, depression, megaloblastic macrocytic

anemia, fatigue, weakness, headaches, irritability, difficulty concentrating, shortness of breath, and heart palpitations, impaired DNA synthesis, bright red tongue, and the shortening of the villi’s height and thinning of the layers of the gastrointestinal tract.  Increases the risk of neural tube defects in infants.

B12 (methylcobalamin)

B12 is needed for making use of protein.  Helps the blood carry oxygen, hence essential for energy.  Needed for synthesis of DNA.  Essential for nerves.  Deals with tobacco smoke and other toxins.

Deficiency signs Poor hair condition, eczema or dermatitis, mouth oversensitive to heat or cold, irritability, anxiety or tension, lack of energy, constipation, tender or sore muscles, pale skin, megaloblastic macrocytic anemia, decrease in DNA synthesis, heart disease, skin pallor, fatigue, shortness of breath, and palpitations. Neurologic problems, which may be irreparable, are manifested by numbness in extremities, abnormal gait, increased loss of coordination, loss of a sense of relative position (proprioreception), loss of vibration sense or touch in the ankles and toes, swelling of myelinated fibers, and demyelination, along with irritability, memory loss, disorientation, psychosis, and dementia, low blood leukocyte and thrombocyte counts and pernicious anemia.

Conditions associated to MTHFR gene mutations in Adults

ADD (attention deficit disorder)
Addictive behavior
ADHD (Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder)
Alcohol withdrawal seizure
Alzheimer’s disease
Bipolar disorder
Blood clotting
Brain fog (difficulty concentrating)
Cardiovascular disease: thromboembolism, atherosclerosis and myocardial infarction
Cervical cancer
Cervical Dysplasia
Chemical sensitivity
Chronic fatigue syndrome
Chronic viral infection

Colorectal neoplasias
Congenital heart defects
Dementia and memory loss
Down’s syndrome
Drug interactions
Electromagnetic hypersensitivity
Elevated homocysteine
Erectile dysfunction
Homocysteine imbalance
HPV (Human papillomavirus)
Immune deficiency
Increased breast cancer risk (women >55 years of age)
MS (Multiple Sclerosis)

Low or no libido
Low neurotransmitter levels
Muscle pain
Neural tube and other birth defects
Oestrogen Dominance (Estrogen dominance) in Men and Women
Parkinsons disease
PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome)
Peripheral neuropathy
Poor detoxification
Pulmonary Embolism
Recurrent Miscarriage
Reduced lean body mass and increased body fat
Spina bifida
Thyroid Dysfunction

Adults with MTHFR Symptoms can get better, we help resolve complex health problems everyday consult with us now

I’m so happy I consulted with MTHFR gene health, this is life saving work that I could not find anywhere else.  Thank you.

D. Crawford – USA

Questions for MTHFR symptoms in Adults

  • Do you have poor health generally?
  • Can’t find solutions to health problems?
  • Are your family and or children having trouble mentally or physically?
  • Infertility or miscarriage or have a family history of miscarriage?
  • Depression, anxiety, mood disorders or other mental health problems?
  • Are you relying on medications, pain killers, drugs nutritional supplements to get you by?

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Did you have any questions about the symptoms of MTHFR in Adults?  Contact us here.

This page is not designed provide medical advice or diagnosis.